The first is "Drive" by Daniel Pink. It examines what truly motivates humans based on science and how traditional business practices are failing to capture this energy. Companies will have to change their attitudes in this knowledge based economy in order to thrive. Today's prevalent "carrot and big stick" management methods must be retired. He lists practical advice/strategies to encourage "Drive" for individuals, managers and teachers. After reading this book, you will never offer your kids cash in exchange for chores. Read it and you'll learn why.

Both books have similar messages and I recommend them equally however if you are a teacher/parent/manager then "Drive" is a must-read. The concepts are excellent conversation starters at parties. Everyone is affected by outsourcing, bad bosses, getting children engaged in school activities, etc... There's something for everyone in these books. It's not just for business folks or HR types.
Overall Rating (***** )
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